Change log version 180

Version 180 - Oct 17th -2020


- Update core to Laravel 7.0

- Mobile API settings

- Wallet features

- Send email whenever having changed Booking Status

- Create a trash folder  for recovery of the deleted item

- Disabled the editing tools for images

- Update confirms link for Email verify

- Add some missing tags(h1, h2,h3..) that support for SEO

- Google API for searching/inputting data

- Pricing field is updated for inputting the decimal

- Booking fee field is updated for inputting the decimal

- Update select  layout search result for all module

- Update Sort feature for search result 

- "Booking  in advance" feature some days for Hotel/Space

- "Minimum booking days" feature for Hotel/Space

- "iCal" allows syncing the block/available day 

- Hide the "Description field" in creating Tour

- Add other languages for the search field

- Add option allow to input the number item per page



- Security issue, that related to XXS issue.

- Fix CSRF Problems for some page: profile,...

- Text Block in the Template cant show the HTML code

- Add iCal for Room on the Vendor Dashboard

- Fixed slugs issue when changing the service name

- Accepted cookies but the notify bar always open

- The Calendar on the detail page is called 2 times

- Verify the Avatar, refuse the file that is not image

- Event thumbnail is missing some CSS style

- Fixed some backend page can access without login

- Fixed the Event search field in the "Search all service" block

- Pagination issues in Page-admin