Change log version 1.7.0


- Add Event module(Print invoice - QR code, Booking form/Enquiry form, Interested number..)

- Add source code editor for Text Block

- Add the field search by name on the search form

- Add option allows changing the start date to Monday

- Auto verify phone number for Vendor (send secret code to the vendor)

- Add field text to change the search tab-title on the homepage

- Add option allows calculating the Extra Service by the person and by a person per day for Hotel

- Add Buyer fee by percent(%)

- Add an option to calculate the price of Deposit = deposit amount + buyer fee

- Add language option for payment method

- Add option allows guest can do a booking

- Add Enquiry form for the booking form

- Show OpenHour on the Tour detail

- Convert time Duration to number days, ex: 74h=3d2h

- Add option to set Term&Condition page for Register Vendor form

- Update map search Fields for Tour

- Add a contact form to Block-template

- Update User Info in the Admin Dashboard corresponding to the User Profile in the front-end

- Update video field on Becoming vendor section, if not input the video link, shows the normal image

- Add option allows hiding Hotel Attribute

- Update select number instead of +/-

- Allow Admin + author can preview the Service while it's draft

- "Call to Action block" Add option allows changing the Background

- Banner for the homepage - Add option allows removing the search form

- Add button Become Vendor role on the Customer panel to upgrade automatically

- Add option allows searching by Original Text/Translated Text

- Update: prevent Admin/vendor can do book their service

- Update image for user when logging in with FB

- Add field phone number for register form

- Add config: Email Register for Vendor


- Bug: Smart search: "Can't read property lenght.."

- Admin can't see the Verified data

- Bug: the date is disabled but still bookable via link:seine?start=2020-03-31&end=2020-03-31

- Change the for rent Car by day instead of by night

- Remove the language code /en in the main language

- Fix Date format d/m/Y => bug Availability table of each service