Offer Block

Dashboard > Templates > Build Template

Offer Block

This section allows you to give the best recommendations to your customers as well as be designed to make your website look better.

The first row of this block has 3 items, from the 2nd row onwards will be 4 items per row

In the first section, you should use photos of size 570x400 for the best quality.


To build this block, find a block with the name: Offer Block then press to "Add icon", it will be added to the template. Continue input some needy information

  • Title: Input the recommendations title for clients
  • Desc: in this field, you can use HTML tag like the available sample
  • Background Image Uploader: From the second item, you should use a photo with size 270x400 (px) for the Background image
  • Title + Link of More button: Input the text + link to the Link More field if you want to show a button in the Description
  • Featured text: the text is showing at the top-left corner
  • Featured Icon : the icon is showing at the top-left corner below the Featured Text, find icon class in
